

GUI objects can be instantiated in multiple ways. You may simply run the Argus launcher from terminal:

$ Argus

which will bring up a Tkinter window with 6 buttons that each launches a GUI.

Or you may instantiate any of the GUI objects within a python console or script:

import argus_gui as ag

# bring up DWarp

# bring up Sync

# bring up Patterns

# bring up Calibrate

# bring up Wand

# bring up Clicker

Finally, Argus comes with executable scripts that can accomplish the same tasks as these GUIs in command line:

# undistort a video
$ argus-dwarp movie.mp4 --model "GoPro Hero4 Black" --mode 1080p-120fps-wide --write --ofile undistorted_movie.mp4

# find the offset between three videos
$ argus-sync "a.mp4,b.mp4,c.mp4"

# find patterns in a video and write to a pickle file
$ argus-patterns patterns.mp4 patterns.pkl

# solve for camera intrinsics and pinhole distortion coefficients, write to a CSV
$ argus-calibrate patterns.pkl intrinsics.csv --inverted

# use SBA to solve for DLT coefficients and output 3D coordinates
$ argus-wand cams.txt project_name --paired_points wand-xypts.csv --scale 1

For more information on the function and use of the GUIs please consult the GUI section of the documenation found at http://argus.web.unc.edu.

Other functions

Argus can be used to accomplish a variety of other camera calibration tasks. Here are a few examples:


Undistorting and redistorting points from an array


from argus_gui import DistortionProfile

# getting a profile, Model: GoPro Hero4 Black, Mode: 1440p-80fps-wide'
dis = DistortionProfile()
prof = dis.get_coefficients('GoPro Hero4 Black', '1440p-80fps-wide')

# pixel coordinate array
pts = np.array([[100., 250.],[15., 525.]])

print 'Original pixel coordinates: ', pts

# undistort
pts = undistort_pts(pts, prof)

print 'Undistorted pixel coordinates: ', pts

# redistort back
pts = redistort_pts(pts, prof)

print 'Redistorted pixel coordinates: ', pts


Undistorting a frame from a movie, saving as a png


# filname
movie = '1080p_120_test.mp4'

# make a distortion profile
dis = DistortionProfile()
prof = dis.get_coefficients('GoPro Hero4 Black', '1080p-120fps-wide')

# get an undistorter object
undistorter = dis.get_undistorter()

# undistort frame number 10
array = undistorter.undistort_frame(10, '10.png')


Undistorting an array


# undistort the image array returned (double undistortion)
array = undistorter.undistort_array(array, '10_2.png')


Load some DLT coefficients, and uv coordinates, make a camera profile, then project
back and forth


# set our distortion profile to another camera
dis.set_coefficients(model = 'GoPro Hero4 Black', mode = '1080p-120fps-narrow')
prof = dis.get_coefficients()

# get a camera profile (list of distortion profiles)
# here each distortion profile is the same, so we use this method
cam_pro = dis.get_cam_profile(ncams = 3)

# load som DLT coefficients
dlt = np.loadtxt('test-dlt-coefficients.csv', delimiter = ',').T

# load some points
points = pd.DataFrame.from_csv('pts.csv', index_col = False).as_matrix()

# undistort them
points[:,:2] = undistort_pts(points[:,:2], prof)
points[:,2:4] = undistort_pts(points[:,2:4], prof)
points[:,4:] = undistort_pts(points[:,4:], prof)

# project into 3D space
xyz = uv_to_xyz(points, cam_pro, dlt)

# project back into the image plane for camera 1
uv = dlt_inverse(dlt[0], xyz)

# plot the reprojection to see how good the mapping is
plt.scatter(uv[:,0], uv[:,1], c= 'b')
plt.scatter(points[:,0], points[:,1], c = 'r')


Solve for our own DLT coefficients


L1, er = solve_dlt(xyz, points[:,:2], prof)
L2, er = solve_dlt(xyz, points[:,2:4], prof)
L3, er = solve_dlt(xyz, points[:,4:], prof)


Triangulate pixel coordinates with camera intrinsics

# get the distorted points
points = pd.DataFrame.from_csv('pts.csv', index_col = False).as_matrix()

# triangulate
xyz = multiTriangulator(points, cam_pro)
xyz = xyz.triangulate()
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')

ax.scatter(xyz[:,0], xyz[:,1], xyz[:,2])



Get reprojection errors


errors = get_repo_errors(xyz, points, cam_pro, dlt)

fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)

plt.plot(range(len(errors[0])), errors[0])


Bootstrap to get confidence intervals, spline weights and tolerances


CIs, weights, tols = bootstrapXYZs(points, errors, cam_pro, dlt)